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Quelles sont les formes de béton isolées en fibres de bois liées au ciment

Venue 1 Laval

Insulated concrete forms (ICF) have been around for quite a while, but there is a less known, yet more innovative alternative. The cement bonded wood fiber forms provide a safer, healthier and more durable alternative not only to conventional ICF but to any other type of building. Whether for a small residential building or a […]


What are Cement Bonded Wood Fiber Insulated Concrete Forms

Insulated concrete forms (ICF) have been around for quite a while, but there is a less known, yet more innovative alternative. The cement bonded wood fiber forms provide a safer, healthier and more durable alternative not only to conventional ICF but to any other type of building. Whether for a small residential building or a […]


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Venue 1 Laval

Sed si ille hac tam eximia fortuna propter utilitatem rei publicae frui non properat, ut omnia illa conficiat, quid ego, senator, facere debeo, quem, etiamsi ille aliud vellet, rei publicae consulere oporteret?